Ways to beat the heat

Warm weather, swimming, vacations and much more are the events synonymous with the arrival of summer. People adore the season and everything it brings along with it. From the mangoes to the beaches, the season has a lot look forward to.
But like every other season, summertime also comes with some baggage. The scorching heat, which brings a lot of sweat, irritation, worry and what not. The heat is hard on our bodies, our moods, and of course our electricity bills. But, amidst it, we have to play smart if we wish to have a calm and easy summer. But, how?
Here’s how you do it –


1. Eat light, small, and frequent meals :


Image courtesy – perdre-10kilos.com

Fruits are your best friends this summer! With this mantra in mind, start the morning with a sweet, juicy fruit at breakfast. Ripe summer fruits like peaches, plums, melons and pears, are the kind of foods your skin craves in the hot season. Citrus fruits are also very cooling. You can either eat a whole or extract their juice, store in the refrigerator and sip often throughout the day.


2. Know your body’s best cooling parts :


Image courtesy – OpenIDEO

It often happens that when you are stuck in the heat, you don’t know what exactly to do. For this not to happen, one should be aware of the cooling points of their body, which are your wrist and neck. You can simply apply ice cubs wrapped in a towel to these areas and you will cool down quickly and effectively.


3. Dress light! :


Image courtesy – Pinterest

Dressing light should be your motto! Wear light colours and breathable fabrics, especially on those scorching days. We suggest cotton and linen. The full-sleeved cotton clothes with protect your body from the sun and aid evaporation of sweat. Also, cover your head with a scarf or a hat and use goggles or shades to protect your eyes before you step out in the sun.


4. Drink more water :


Image courtesy – chickyitems.com

It unarguably is the ninja technique to keep you cool in summers. Water prevents your body from overheating as it cools down the important areas and parts. Since your body loses a lot of water due to sweating during this weather, it is important that the water is retained so that the water level is maintained.

The best thing about summer is the freedom to have loads of fun. Attend a music festival, go for a vacation, and explore new activities and much more. While you can do all of these things regardless of the season but there is something about those summer nights and warm days which keeps us alive and plants a fire in our hearts to want more. However, you can simply follow these few pointers to best enjoy the mango season fully!

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