Best work out for a time crunch

Today, everyone wants to be healthy and fit with a good built. A body so toned that it becomes a source of envy for many. It takes a feat to achieve that body, and not many can boast of a disciplined regime.

There are some exercises that you just cannot get enough of. While you may or may not have heard of certain exercises but you might as well be practising it every day. Also, doing these exercises is only more beneficial for you and help offset the toll your hectic work schedule might be taking on your body. Specifically, the toll is on your posture which leads to pain. Furthermore, the exercises if done correctly helps you in maintaining your overall health.

1. Cardio :



A 45-minute exercise is ideal, so sweating out on for around 20-40 minutes on the treadmill could be proper cardio. However, it may or may not impact your metabolic rate. So you must consider adding anaerobic exercise like skipping, sprinting or jumping while doing aerobic activity. This increases the intensity level and also boosts your metabolism. Just add some of the best men’s best perfumes to stay fresh after a workout.


2. Squats :



An all-around, no equipment exercise, squats are perfect for your core muscles, thighs, glutes, hips and calves. However, this only happens if the form is perfect. You need to stand tall with your hip-width distance apart and shoulders relaxed. While doing the squats you are required to hold your arms straight or on your hips. Follow this by slowly squatting to a position as if you are sitting on a chair keeping your heels planted on the ground and torso upright. Go for up to eight -12 repetition.


3. Press-up :



Press up is a good workout plan that helps in developing strength in the shoulder joints. It involves the use of multiple muscles for maximum growth and fitness. It helps in developing the shoulder muscles for advanced shoulder exercises that are done in the gym.


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