Top three at-home exercises

As the phrase goes, everyone wants to stay healthy, wealthy and wise! But doing so can become extremely hard during the monsoons and the winters. The rain and cold make it too hard to get out of your blanket and even harder to go out and exercise. So, to make sure you stay fit even during these seasons it is important to follow certain exercise routines that can be done at home without using any equipment. A stay at home routine that could even be generous on your pocket.

Here are a few ideas for ways you can exercise indoors at home –


1. Jump Rope :


If you think, the jump rope or the skipping rope is for little girls, then you are sorely mistaken. Amazingly effective for your stamina, a minute into jumping rope could leave you breathless if you are low on activities. This activity is perfect for a good cardio workout and those shapely calves.


2. Stair Stepping :


A great exercise to be done at home, this can be done easily even if you don’t have stairs at home. Simply find a slightly high raised platform in your home or a sturdy chair, put on the radio and step up and down to your favourite tunes. You might not be sweaty like you would after jumping rope, but this will surely keep you active and healthy.


3. The Plank :


Have a time crunch and still want to work on your core muscles? Then, this exercise is for you! Simply get into the push-up position, but instead of bending your arms and moving downwards, hold the position with extended arms. You can start off by holding for 30 seconds and keep adding by 10 seconds every day. You might enjoy checking how long you can hold a plank as it’s definitely not easy but too much fun. One of the most challenging exercises, but it’s also one of the best for your core.




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